Online ads are among the most effective vehicles for promotions ever devised. The ability to precisely engage specific individuals and groups is the bedrock upon which giants like Google and Facebook......
When Online Ads Do More Harm than Good
May 26, 2016
by Kevin Brooks
How Predictive Clears the End-of-Quarter Discounting Logjam
May 11, 2016
by Kevin Brooks
Predictive analytics is transforming the modern B2B sales organization, bringing new insights and guiding strategies and tactics across the entire sales pipeline.
What Color is Your Predictive: Laboratory vs. Operational
April 26, 2016
by Kevin Brooks
Spring is in the air, and it's the time of year when sales conferences are in full swing. Recently, the DxContinuum schedule included stops at the TOPO Sales Summit in San Francisco, the AA-ISP......
How Sales Teams Maximize Efficiency and Effectiveness
January 21, 2016
by DxContinuum Staff
Guided selling and opportunity predictive analytics are the two most efficient and effective techniques for sales enablement that organizations can adopt, according to recent research from Gartner.