DxContinuum Blog

Platforms vs. Engines

November 29, 2016
Kevin Brooks

In the B2B software business we often find ourselves discussing the infrastructure that ties together systems and processes.

Nominal or Numeric -- That is the Question

October 26, 2016
Dr. Kannan Govindarajan
To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing end......

Gartner Updates Predictive Market Guide

September 08, 2016
Kushal Chatterjee

As followers of sales and marketing technology know, predictive analytics is an emerging market space. One of the biggest challenges in a new market is simply defining it. For the past few years,......

Wave Analytics on the Bay

September 02, 2016
Kushal Chatterjee

This week, DxContinuum was among a group of 20 companies that launched new applications on the Salesforce Wave Analytics platform. The DxContinuum app is called Fathom, and it was released at a......